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北京市府农林办 市财政局 市物

北京市府农林办 市财政局 市物

第一条 为了加强对乡镇企业管理费的征收、管理和使用,根据国务院颁发的《中华人民共和国乡村集体所有制企业条例》和国家计委、财政部制定的《乡镇企业管理费管理办法》,结合本市实际情况,制定本实施细则。
第二条 凡由乡(镇)、村集体举办的乡镇工业企业,以及由乡镇企业和农村集体经济组织参与投资的联营、股份制、股份合作制、中外合资等企业中的工业企业均应按本细则提取和交纳乡镇企业管理费。
第三条 乡镇企业按销售收入的总额的0.1%的比例提取,交纳乡镇企业管理费在销售收入中列支。
第四条 乡镇企业实行中外合资后由中方按其投资比例交纳管理费。计算公式为:
中方应缴 合资企业 乡镇企业占合资 提取管理
= × ×
管理费 销售收入 企业投资比例 费的比例
第五条 乡镇企业与其他所有制企业、事业单位共同投资联合经营的,且乡镇企业投资所占比例为51%以上(含51%)的,按乡镇企业投资比例提取、交纳管理费。计算公式为:
应 缴 联营企业 乡镇企业占联营 提取管理
= × ×
管理费 销售收入 企业投资比例 费的比例
第六条 乡镇企业应按当月实现的销售收入总额,足额提取和交纳乡镇企业管理费。
第七条 收取的乡镇企业管理费纳入市、县(区)财政预算管理,按京财综(1994)941号文件有关规定执行,并实行收支两条线和年度审计制度,严格控制开支范围。
第八条 收取乡镇企业管理费必须出示北京市收费许可证并使用由北京市财政局印制的“北京市行政性、事业性收费收据”。不出示收费许可证或不使用专用收据的,乡镇企业可以拒付。
第九条 乡镇企业管理费除用于补助乡镇企业行政主管部门经费不足(即虽经编制部门定编,但财政拨款依然不足)外,其余部分应主要用于支持乡镇企业的发展,具体范围主要包括补充以下经费的不足:(1)乡镇企业职工培训、人才交流、技术信息交流、技术推广、新产品开发、
第十条 乡镇企业管理费的使用,应由乡镇企业主管部门于本年度末提出下一年度预算报同级财政部门,经财政部门审核同意后予以核拨。
第十一条 为加强对乡镇企业管理费收缴、管理和使用的监督,每年由市乡镇企业行政主管部门会同物价、财政等部门对乡镇企业管理费的收缴、管理和使用情况进行抽查。县(区)每季度要对乡镇检查一次。
第十二条 本细则所规定的内容,分别由市农办、市财政局、市物价局、市乡镇企业局按各自职责负责解释。
第十三条 本办法自公布之日起执行。


京政农发〔1998〕025号、京财综(1998)1656号 1998年7月28日









  第一条 为规范地方立法听证活动,提高地方立法的民主化、科学化程度,保证地方性法规质量,根据立法法的有关规定,结合我省的实际情况,制定本规定。
  第二条 省人民代表大会各专门委员会和省人民代表大会常务委员会工作机构举行立法听证会,听取有关机关、组织和公民对提请省人民代表大会常务委员会审议的地方性法规案的意见,适用本规定。
  第三条 举行立法听证会的省人民代表大会各专门委员会或者省人民代表大会常务委员会工作机构称为听证机构。
  第四条 立法听证会应当公开举行,并允许新闻媒体报道。
  第五条 经省人民代表大会常务委员会主任会议同意,省人民代表大会有关专门委员会、省人民代表大会常务委员会工作机构可以就地方性法规案涉及的下列事项举行立法听证会:
  第六条 提请省人民代表大会常务委员会审议的同一地方性法规案,省人民代表大会有关专门委员会、省人民代表大会常务委员会工作机构可以根据需要,联合举行立法听证会。
  第七条 省人民代表大会各专门委员会举行立法听证会,具体组织工作由该专门委员会办事机构负责;省人民代表大会常务委员会工作机构举行立法听证会,具体组织工作由举行立法听证会的工作机构负责。
  第八条 听证机构应当在举行立法听证会二十日前发布公告,公布立法听证会有关事项。
  第九条 有关机关、组织和公民可以按照公告规定报名参加立法听证会。报名时应当说明陈述的重点内容。
  第十条 举行立法听证会十日前,听证机构应当在报名参加听证会的有关机关、组织和公民中确定陈述人;听证机构根据需要也可以直接邀请有关机关、组织的代表,以及有关专家学者作为陈述人参加立法听证会。
  第十一条 听证机构在确定陈述人名单后,应当在举行立法听证会七日前通知陈述人,并将有关法规草案文本、说明和参阅材料提供给陈述人。陈述人应当在规定的时间内将书面陈述材料等提交给听证机构并按时出席立法听证会;无法出席立法听证会的,应当提前告知听证机构。
  第十二条 陈述人参加立法听证会,其所在单位、组织应当支持。
  第十三条 立法听证会允许旁听。
  第十四条 听证机构在听证人中确定一名主持人主持立法听证会。联合举行立法听证会的,主持人由联合举行立法听证会的机构协商确定或者由省人民代表大会常务委员会主任会议确定。
  第十五条 听证机构可以根据本规定和每次举行立法听证会的情况,制定具体的听证规则和会场纪律。
  第十六条 立法听证会开始前,听证会工作人员应当报告听证人和陈述人到会情况,并宣布立法听证会规则和会场纪律。
  第十七条 举行立法听证会时,陈述人应当按照听证机构事先确定的发言顺序和发言时间发言。陈述人在规定的时间内没有完成陈述的,主持人可以根据情况决定是否延长其发言时间。
  第十八条 陈述人应当围绕听证内容客观陈述事实,如实提供情况和信息。
  第十九条 听证人经主持人同意,可以对陈述人进行询问。询问可以在所有陈述人发言结束后进行,也可以在每位陈述人发言结束后进行。陈述人应当回答听证人的询问,但与听证事项无关的问题除外。
  第二十条 陈述人发言和听证人询问结束后,在主持人主持下,各方陈述人可以相互提问并进行辩论。
  第二十一条 旁听人员可以在立法听证会结束后就听证事项向听证机构提交书面意见。
  第二十二条 立法听证会工作人员应当制作书面听证记录。
  第二十三条 立法听证会结束之后,听证机构应当尽快组织制作听证报告。听证报告应当包括下列主要内容:
  第二十四条 听证机构应当及时将听证报告印发省人民代表大会常务委员会全体组成人员。
  第二十五条 较大的市的人民代表大会常务委员会举行立法听证会参照本规定执行。
  第二十六条 本规定自2002年11月1日起施行。





目 录

第一章 律师的任务和权利
第二章 律师资格
第三章 律师的工作机构
第四章 附则

第一章 律师的任务和权利
第一条 律师是国家的法律工作者,其任务是对国家机关、企业事业单位、社会团体、人民公社和公民提供法律帮助,以维护法律的正确实施,维护国家、集体的利益和公民的合法权益。
第二条 律师的主要业务如下:
第三条 律师进行业务活动,必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,忠实于社会主义事业和人民的利益。
第四条 律师担任法律顾问的责任,是为聘请单位就业务上的法律问题提供意见,草拟、审查法律事务文书,代理参加诉讼、调解或者仲裁活动,维护聘请单位的合法权益。
第五条 律师担任诉讼和非诉讼事件代理人的责任,是在所受委托的权限内,维护委托人的合法权益。
第六条 律师担任刑事辩护人的责任,是根据事实和法律,维护被告人的合法权益。
第七条 律师参加诉讼活动,有权依照有关规定,查阅本案材料,向有关单位、个人调查。律师担任刑事辩护人时,可以同在押的被告人会见和通信。

第二章 律师资格
第八条 热爱中华人民共和国,拥护社会主义制度,有选举权和被选举权的下列公民,经考核合格,可以取得律师资格,担任律师:
第九条 取得律师资格,须经省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局)考核批准,发给律师证书,并报中华人民共和国司法部备案。司法部发现审批不当的,应当通知司法厅(局)重新审查。
第十条 取得律师资格的人员不能脱离本职的,可以担任兼职律师。兼职律师所在单位应当给予支持。
第十一条 高等院校法律专业毕业生或者经过法律专业训练的人员,经省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局)考核批准,可以担任实习律师。
第十二条 律师严重不称职的,得经省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局)决定,报司法部批准,取消其律师资格。

第三章 律师的工作机构
第十三条 律师执行职务的工作机构是法律顾问处。
第十四条 法律顾问处按县、市、市辖区设立。必要时,经司法部批准,可以设立专业性的法律顾问处。
第十五条 法律顾问处的主要任务,是领导律师开展业务工作,组织律师学习政治和法律业务知识,总结、交流律师的工作经验。
第十六条 法律顾问处设主任一人,根据需要,可以设副主任。主任、副主任均由本处律师选举产生,报经省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局)批准,任期为三年,连选得连任。
第十七条 律师承办业务,由法律顾问处统一接受委托,并且统一收费。
第十八条 法律顾问处可以指派律师到外地进行业务活动,当地法律顾问处应当给予帮助。
第十九条 为维护律师的合法权益,交流工作经验,促进律师工作的开展,增进国内外法律工作者的联系,建立律师协会。

第四章 附 则
第二十条 律师职称标准、律师奖惩规定和律师收费办法,由司法部另行制订。
第二十一条 本条例自一九八二年一月一日起施行。

Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(Adopted at the 15th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the
Fifth National People's Congress and promulgated by Order No. 5 of the
Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on August 26, 1980,
and effective as of January 1, 1982)


Chapter I The Task and Rights of Lawyers
Chapter II The Qualifications of Lawyers
Chapter III Business Organizations of Lawyers
Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I The Task and Rights of Lawyers

Article 1
Lawyers are state legal workers whose task is to give legal assistance to
state organs, enterprises and institutions, public organizations, people's
communes and citizens in order to ensure the correct implementation of the
law and protect the interests of the state and collectives as well as the
lawful rights and interests of citizens.
Article 2
The principal duties of lawyers shall be:
(1) to accept the mandate of state organs, enterprises and institutions,
public organizations and people's communes to serve as their legal
(2) to accept the mandate of a party to a civil action to serve as his
representative in litigation;
(3) to accept the mandate of a defendant or the assignment of a people's
court to serve as his defender in a criminal case; to accept the mandate
of a private prosecutor or of the victim and his near relatives in a
public prosecution to serve as their representative in litigation;
(4) to accept the mandate of a party in a nonlitigious matter to give
legal assistance or serve as its representative in mediation or
(5) to give consultative advice on legal questions and draft documents in
connection with litigation or other legal matters.
Lawyers shall publicize the socialist legal system through all their
professional activities.
Article 3
In performing their duties, lawyers shall serve the cause of socialism and
the interests of the people, act on the basis of facts and take the law as
the criterion. In the performance of their functions according to law,
lawyers shall be protected by the law of the state, subject to no
interference by any organization or individual.
Article 4
When being retained by an organization as its legal adviser, a lawyer
shall have the responsibility to give advice on legal questions arising
from the client organization, draft and examine legal documents for it,
represent it in litigation, mediation or arbitration, and safeguard its
lawful rights and interests.
Article 5
When acting as representatives in litigation and nonlitigious matters,
lawyers shall have the responsibility to safeguard the lawful rights and
interests of the client within the scope of the mandate.
Within the scope of the mandate, the lawyer's procedural and legal acts
shall have the same effect as those of the client.

Article 6
When acting as defenders in criminal cases, lawyers shall have the
responsibility to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the
defendants on the basis of facts and the law. A lawyer may refuse to act
as the defender of a defendant if he believes that the defendant has not
truthfully stated the facts of the case to him.
Article 7
In legal proceedings, lawyers shall have the right, to consult the
materials of the case and may make enquiries from organizations and
persons concerned in accordance with relevant regulations. When acting as
defenders in criminal cases, lawyers may meet and correspond with the
defendants held in custody.
The organizations and persons concerned shall have the duty to render
assistance to the lawyers engaged in the activities mentioned in the
preceding paragraph. Lawyers shall have the responsibility to keep
confidential state secrets and matters of personal privacy which they come
into contact with in their work.

Chapter II The Qualifications of Lawyers

Article 8
The undermentioned citizens who cherish the People's Republic of China,
support the socialist system and have the right to vote and stand for
election shall be eligible as lawyers after passing an examination:
(1) those who have graduated from law faculties of universities or
colleges and have been engaged for two or more years in judicial work,
legal instruction or jurisprudential studies;
(2) those who have had professional legal training and have worked as
judges in people's court or as procurators in people's procuratorates;
(3) those who have received college education, have completed three or
more years of economic, scientific and technological work, are proficient
in their professions and the relevant laws and decrees thereof, and have
gone through professional legal training and who are fit for the work of a
lawyer; and
(4) those who have attained the same level of knowledge of practical legal
work as is required of persons prescribed in Items (1) and (2) above and
the same level of learning as is given by college education and who are
fit for the work of a lawyer.
Article 9
To be eligible as a lawyer, a person must be examined and approved by the
judicial department (bureau) of a province, autonomous region, or
municipality directly under the Central Government and issued a lawyer's
certificate, and a report shall be made to the Ministry of Justice of the
People's Republic of China for the record. Upon discovery of an improper
examination and approval, the Ministry of Justice shall instruct the
relevant judicial department (bureau) to conduct a reexamination.
Article 10
Those who are eligible as lawyers but are unable to leave their present
positions to practise law may act as part-time lawyers. The current
organizations in which they are working shall support such arrangements.
Personnel presently attached to the people's courts, people's
procuratorates and people's public security organs may not act as part-
time lawyers.
Article 11
Those who have graduated from law faculties of universities or colleges or
have gone through professional legal training may act as apprentice
lawyers after examination and approval by the judicial departments
(bureaus) of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly
under the Central Government.
The training period for apprentice lawyers shall be two years. Upon
completion of the training period, apprentice lawyers shall be given
lawyers credentials in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Article
9 of these Regulations; the training period may be extended if an
apprentice lawyer fails to pass the examination.
Article 12
Lawyers who are incompetent shall be disqualified as lawyers by decision
of the judicial departments (bureaus) of provinces, autonomous regions, or
municipalities directly under the Central Government and with the approval
of the Ministry of Justice.

Chapter III Business Organizations of Lawyers

Article 13
Legal advisory offices shall be the business organizations from which
lawyers perform their duties.
Legal advisory offices shall be public institutions under the
organizational leadership and professional supervision of the judicial
administrative organs of the state.
Article 14
Legal advisory offices shall be established in counties, cities and
municipal districts. When necessary, specialized legal advisory offices
may be established with the approval of the Ministry of Justice.
Legal advisory offices shall not be subordinate to one another.
Article 15
The principal functions of a legal advisory office shall be to direct
lawyers in the development of their professional work, to organize their
political studies and professional studies in law and to sum up and
exchange their work experience.
Article 16
A legal advisory office shall have one director and may have deputy
directors where necessary. The director and deputy directors shall be
elected by the lawyers in that office, subject to approval by the judicial
department (bureau) of a province, autonomous region, or municipality
directly under the Central Government. They shall be elected for a term of
three years and may be re-elected to successive terms in office. The
director and deputy director(s) of a legal advisory office shall direct
the work of the office and at the same time perform their duties as
Article 17
The mandates for lawyers to handle cases shall be accepted and service
fees collected exclusively by the legal advisory office.
In the distribution of cases to lawyers, the legal advisory office shall,
as best as possible and according to actual conditions, assign lawyers as
requested by clients.
Article 18
A legal advisory office may appoint lawyers to carry out professional
activities in other localities, and the legal advisory office there shall
provide them with assistance.
Article 19
A lawyers association shall be established to protect the lawful rights
and interests of lawyers, to exchange work experience, to further the
progress of lawyers work and to promote contacts between legal workers
both at home and abroad.
The lawyers association is a social organization. It shall formulate its
own articles of association.

Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions

Article 20
The standards for the title of lawyer, the regulations on awards and
penalties for lawyers and the measures for the collection of service fees
shall be stipulated separately by the Ministry of Justice.
Article 21
These Regulations shall go into effect on January 1, 1982.
